Sunday, September 15th Update:
We appreciate your patience. The issue with the SpankingNeeds database has been difficult to diagnose, and multiple avenues to address it have been attempted. We want to reassure you that all data is safe, and we are confident that we can restore the site to its full integrity. We're continuing to work on resolving the issue, though life has unfortunately interfered and delayed the process. For this, we sincerely apologize, and we miss the site as much as you do.

However, for those members of the community who feel the need to send inflammatory messages to Mystery Man and/or Child of Light, please understand that while we recognize your frustration, there is no justification for this level of vitriol. The site will be back up soon, and when it is, those who have violated the norms of our community will be banned in accordance with our policies and procedures.

Note: We have been informed that some members are circulating a rumor that the owners have taken the site down to sell it. This is NOT TRUE. The site is down for important maintenance and will be back up and running, free from the recent deluge of SPAM, as soon as possible.

We will provide another update by October 13th to keep you informed of our progress. Again, we're sorry that the site has been down for as long as it has been, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to get it back up.